Fancy Plywood

stack of three panel of fancy plywoods
stack of three panel of fancy plywoods
single panel of fancy plywood
stack of fancy plywoods
stack of fancy plywoods
stack of fancy plywoods

Oriented Strand Board

Plywood with natural wood veneers the perfect choice for furniture

Fancy plywood, also known as decorative plywood, is known for its attractive veneer finishes. It's used in applications where aesthetics play a significant role. Some common uses include: furniture, interior paneling, architectural accents, doors

Size1220mm x 2440mm, 1250mm x 2500mm / customizable
Thickness9mm,12mm,18mm,21mm / customizable
GradeA/B, B/C, C/D, D/E customizable
GluePhenolic, Melamine
Core SpeciesPoplar, Pine
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